T-Cycling Shirt Swap!

Author: Ellaspede   Date Posted:28 November 2018 

T-Cycling Shirt Swap! main image


Have you completely worn your old motorcycle shirts to death?
If so, we would love to have them. Not in a weird way, we promise!

Bring in any of your worn out moto shirts and we'll give you $10 credit towards a new Ellaspede tee.

Here at Ellaspede, we love being able to recycle and repurpose things when we can, and seeing as we’ve been putting out shirts for a fair few years now, we assumed that there's a few getting around that have seen better days. If your Ellaspede shirts (or any motorcycle shirts) fall into this category, we're happy to take them off your hands and give you $10 credit towards picking up a new Ellaspede tee.

Hell, even if you want to post in an old shirt then we'll apply a $10 credit to your Ellaspede account! Or if you've got any other old 'motorcycle' shirts we'll accept them too!

We see this as a win win for both of us, you get a fresh new shirt at a discounted rate, and we get some fancy branded rags for the workshop. Unless you want to keep the fancy branded rags for yourself, and in that case, we are happy to see you also recycling and repurposing!

Click here to see the current range of Ellaspede shirts!

Rules is rules Jacko:

  • 1 old shirt credit of $10 per new Ellaspede shirt purchase.
  • Would be great if the shirt was washed, we don't want your smelly laundry.


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